FJP Helwan Facebook page on church attacks

FJP Helwan Facebook page on church attacks

The Pope of the Church is involved in the removal of the first elected Islamist president.

The Pope of the Church alleges Islamic Sharia is backwards, stubborn, and reactionary.

The Pope of the Church sponsors Black Bloc groups to create chaos, pursue banditry, and siege and storm mosques.

The Church mobilizes the Copts in June 30 demonstrations to topple the Islamist president.

The Pope of the Church  objects to the articles of Islamic identity and withdraws from the Constituent Assembly.

The Pope of the Church was the first to respond to Al-Sisi’s call to authorize the killing of Muslims and the outcome of the authorization was more than 500 dead today.

The Pope of the Church sends a memo to the current commission to cancel the articles of Sharia.

After all this people ask why they burn the churches.


Burning houses of worship is a crime.

And for the Church to declare war against Islam and Muslims is the worst offense.

For every action there is a reaction.

This was originally published in Arabic on the Freedom and Justice Party’s Helwan Facebook page.


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